Department of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy was started at Government College Mananthavady in the year 2001 as a complementary course of B.A English. The following papers are offered in the department.

Logic and Reasoning Aptitude:  I Semester

Symbolic Logic and Foundations of Computer Application:  II Semester

The Philosophy and Practice of Yoga (Open):  V Semester

Why Study Philosophy?

According to Aristotle “logic is the instrument by means of which we come to know anything”. So it becomes extremely important that we must study about ‘thinking itself’ before proceeding to other sciences.  In establishing World Philosophy Day in 2005, the General Conference of UNESCO highlighted the importance of this discipline, especially for young people, underlining that “philosophy is a discipline that encourages critical and independent thought and is capable of working towards a better understanding of the world and promoting tolerance and peace”.


To commence B.A Philosophy in the near future and later M.A Philosophy

To start Yoga classes for the general public.

Faculty Details

Sairam R.                    M.A., NET                  Asst. Professor and HoD

Succession List of HoDs

Name                                Period

1. Dr Jose K.M.                 2001-2006

2. C.C. Damodaran           2006-2008

3. Dr Jose K.M.                 2008-2009

4. Sairam R.                     2009-2012

5. Dr Jose K.M.                 2012-2017

4. Sairam R.                    2017-Continuing 



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