ORICE Government College Mananthavady has recently established a fully functioning 40 seat Smart class room for EDUSAT satellite interactive terminal service. EDUSAT is a satellite based link dedicated to educational purpose, linking all colleges and a master control station in the state. The back bone of this network is run by India’s prestigious Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). The facility is open to all teaching departments of the college and to the non teaching community. Live classes are conducting periodically through this facility. This facility was established with the financial support from Department of Collegiate Education, Govt. of Kerala. Following are the important details regarding this facility. 1. Facility: EDUSAT interactive terminal (Two way communication link) 2. Funding agency: Department of Collegiate Eduction, Govt. of Kerala 3. Nodal officer: Arun Kumar C.S., Asst. Prof., Dept. of English. 4. Seating Capacity: 40 5. Fund received: INR 4,00,000 (INR 1,50,000 will be utilized during the current financial year) 6. Important activities i. Live classes in Arts and Science subjects. ii. Video conferencing of Director of Collegiate Education with Principal & Administrative staff 7. Important hardwares: Satellite modem, Dish Antenna, dedicated computer, UPS, Camera, Speakers & LCD Projector.
Students of this college are actively participating in live classes telecasting from the Studio located at Trivandrum. They can attend the live classes and can interact with the distant teacher through the satellite link established. The class materials are also available as soft copy in the EDUSAT website so that students can refer to classes that they could not attend.
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